
Time & Date
DAY: Second Tuesday of each month except January when there will be no meeting.
TIME: 10.00am (except December when there is usually a later start of 11.00pm as there is no speaker before the Christmas lunch (but please check the calendar in case of changes.)
Place & Location
The Entrance Leagues Club “Tigers”
3 Bay Village Rd, Bateau Bay
Many of our Probus members have joined the Tigers as social members making it easier to enter the club for the monthly meeting. Click here to view annual membership fees.
Non club members will have to sign in as visitors so please arrive in plenty of time to do this before the meeting.
Dress Code
Smart Casual
When arriving at a meeting, please make sure your name has been marked off at the attendance registry. Our registrars do not know all members by sight.
Members are expected to attend at least 50% of the monthly meetings each year.
If you cannot attend a meeting please register your apology with the Membership Officer. This is required by Probus Club rules.
Leave of Absence
In the case of two (2) or more consecutive absences from our monthly meetings, Leave of Absence may be granted by the Management Committee for reason of sickness or on any other reasonable grounds.
Written application must be forwarded to the Membership Officer, setting out good and sufficient reason and the period being applied for.
Where granted, the absence will not be counted as non-attendance.
Leaving Early
As a courtesy to our guest speaker, please don’t leave the meeting until it is officially closed unless it is absolutely necessary.
If it is essential to leave early, please inform the President or the Attendance Registrar. This is for insurance purposes or in case of an emergency.
Phone Courtesy
Please turn your mobile phone off when at club meetings or put it on silent and quietly leave the meeting to take the call. Show courtesy to others and never talk on your phone during a meeting.