
At Forresters Beach Probus, we believe that life is meant to be lived fully. That’s why we offer a diverse range of activities tailored to our members’ interests. Please visit our Calendar for a list of upcoming events. 

Here are just a few of the exciting adventures awaiting you:


Bring out your photography skills and artistic talents at various locations in natural and built environments in a social group situation followed by lunch.

Day: Last Monday of each month.

Location: Various Central Coast and Regional locations including Newcastle and Sydney.

See Calendar for details

Contact: Camera Organiser for more details.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Women Of Wisdom


Bring out your creativity with our craft group.

Day: First Wednesday of each month.
Time: 10.30am to 1.30pm
Location: Toowoon Bay Surf Club Off Bay Rd Toowoon Bay
Cost: $5 a meeting to cover morning tea and room hire.

Contact: Craft Organiser for more details.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Garden Tours

Garden Tours

These tours will be held at various times of the year. Please check the Calendar for details.

These will take the form of 1 day, 2 day/1 night or 3 day/2 night tours depending on the locality of the visit and the attractions available in the area.

Contact: Garden Tours Organisers.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Getaway

Getaways and Cabin/Caravan Trips

Getaways are an opportunity for members to join in various Probus “Getaways” offered throughout the year.

These Getaways include:

  • The Cabin/Caravan excursions which usually occur during spring each year
  • Other short breaks going either by car or coach to our destinations.
  • Cruise holidays, and overseas holidays such as our recent trip to Norfolk Island.

For information on these trips please watch the newsletters, website and/or contact these people for more details:

Getaways: Getaway Manager
Cabin/Caravan: Cabin/Caravan Organisers

If you have any ideas about locations for future trips then please let the above people know.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Golfers


Monthly Golf has currently been replaced by less frequent events to be held at various courses. See Calendar for details of planned events.

Contact: Golf Organiser.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Lawn Bowlers

Lawn Bowls

Day: Friday following the monthly meeting.

Time: 9.00am and play until 12.00pm

Location: Bateau Bay Bowling Club. 5 Bias Ave, Bateau Bay NSW 2261

Cost: $12

Shoes: Bowls or flat tennis shoes required.

Bowls: The clubs can provide bowls for those who do not have them.

Contact: Bowlers Organiser.

Forresters Beach Probus Club Lunches Following Monthly Meetings

Pub Lunch

Join us every 2nd month for a delightful Pub Lunch at various local pubs! This social activity is a great way to catch up with fellow members, enjoy good food, and explore different venues around the area.


  • Frequency: Every 2nd month
  • Venue: Different local pubs each time
  • Time: Typically 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Cost: Lunch at members’ expense from the open menu

Pub Lunch Organiser

No deposit required, but please notify Doria if you need to cancel to adjust bookings.


These events are a great day out and a great way to see old friends and make new ones.

In the event of cancellation due to bad weather, a notice will be placed on the front page of this web site by 10.00am on the day of the picnic.

Day: The Sizzles will normally be held on the third Tuesday of each month Make sure you check the calendar every month.
Time: Come along from 10.30am onwards.
Location: Swadling Reserve Toowoon Bay
Booking: If you would like to attend a sizzle then please place your name on the list that will be on the notice board at the meeting prior to the picnic.
Cost: $5.00 per person. includes sausage on a roll and lucky prizes.

BYO Please bring your own drinks and table, chairs, umbrellas.

 Contact: Sizzles Organiser


For the music lovers with voices.

Day: 3rd Thursday each month
Time: 10.00am to 12.00 noon
Location: Toowoon Bay Surf Club, Off Bay Rd, Toowoon Bay

Please contact our Songsters Organiser for more details.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Special Events

Special Events

Theatre, dinners, outings, tours, walks, cruises, etc.

Contact: Events Manager

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Table of Knowledge

Table of Knowledge

Table of Knowledge (for the blokes)

No agenda, no minutes, nothing off the table but what is said stays at the table.

An opportunity for respectful conversation.
All welcome. See you there.

Day: Monday following the monthly meeting
Time: 9.30am – 11.00 Coffee available from 9:00 so come earlier if you need one to get started or hang around later if you prefer.
Location; Bateau Bay Bowling Club. 5 Bias Ave, Bateau Bay NSW 2261

Contact: TOK Organiser

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Tenpin Bowling

Tenpin Bowling

This is a fun afternoon with 20 or more bowlers.

All are welcome. No matter how inexperienced you are you should feel at home in our group!

Day: Usually 4th Thursday of every every month except December. However, if there is a clash with another Probus event it might be moved to the 3rd or 5th Wednesday. Always check our Calendar page for actual dates.
Time: 3.15pm for a 3.30pm start.
Location: Bateau Bay Tenpin Bowl, 470 The Entrance Rd, Bateau Bay.
Booking: Put your name on the notice that will be on the notice board at the meeting before the event.

Contact: Please contact our Tenpin Bowling Organiser for more details.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast Theatre Parties


Outings to the theatre and other types of entertainment are arranged from time to time at various  Central Coast locations, and in Sydney and Newcastle.

Dates for these outings will be advised when they are finalised. Please check our calendar for information on individual shows.

Contact: Theatre Organiser  if you are interested in attending any of these outings or if you have any suggestions for new outings.

Forresters Beach Probus Activities Coast


Walks will usually be scheduled for the forth Tuesday of the month.

Please check the newsletter and calendar for dates.

Contact the Walkers Organisers

Women of Wisdom

WOW is a casual, unstructured, open discussion for women to engage and delight in both conversation and listening.

Feeling a connection, we may express our thoughts and listen to others over multiple topics in a supportive and trusting environment.

Day: Monday following the monthly meeting
Time: 2pm – 4pm
Location: Toowoon Bay Surf Club
Cost: $3, covers venue hire Coffee is available in the kiosk below, or tea making facilities in the venue.

Contact: WOW Organiser 

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