Club Committee

The Management Committee consists of the ten people listed below under the heading “Management Committee“. In addition, the Immediate Past President is included as an ex officio member without voting rights.

Management Committee

June Brennan


Gerry Smee

Senior Vice President

Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell

Junior Vice President

Richard Kennedy
Richard Kennedy

Immediate Past President

(Ex-officio member of the Committee without voting rights)
James Gordon
James Gordon


Gay Saines
Gay Saines


Mike Oxby
Mike Oxby

Events Manager

Wendy Truman
Wendy Truman

Getaway Manager

David and Lynn Varvel
David and Lynn Varvel

Membership Officer

Please advise David and Lynn of any change of address, phone, or email.

* Please note that meeting apologies should be sent to the Membership Officer

Chris Howe
Chris Howe

Newsletter Editor

Ken Oxby

Publicity and Communication

Those people listed under the heading “Activity Organisers” are appointed annually by the Management Committee to fulfil the various tasks. They do not have voting rights on the Committee of Management.

Activity Organisers

Organisers of Activities

Kathy Wyborn

Graham Nestor

Jim Tinker


Hazel Hopping

Women of Wisdom

Other Appointed Officers

Sheenagh Wilson

Welfare Officer

James Gordon


Jan Wallace

Public Officer
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